The battle of Pichincha
The Battle of Pichincha occurred on May 24, 1822 on the slopes of Pichincha volcano, over 3,000 meters above sea level, near the city of Quito in Ecuador today.
The meeting, which took place in the context of the Spanish-American Wars of Independence, faced the independentista army under the leadership of Venezuelan general Antonio Jose de Sucre and the realistic army commanded by General Melchor de Aymerich. The defeat of the Spanish forces led to the liberation of Quito and assured independence the provinces that belonged to the Royal Audience of Quito, also known as the Presidency of Quito, the Spanish colonial administrative jurisdiction of which finally emerged the Republic of Ecuador
It could be argued that the military campaign for the independence of Quito began on October 9, 1820, when the coastal city of Guayaquil proclaimed its independence from Spain after a quick and almost bloodless revolt against the local garrison. The leaders of the revolt, a combination of Peruvian officers and Venezuelan colonial army along with local intellectuals and patriots, formed a governing council and an army in order to defend the city and extend the independence movement to other provinces of the Presidency.
By then, the course of the wars of independence in South America had changed against Spain; the victory of Simon Bolivar in Batalla de Boyacá sealed the independence of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, while in the South Jose de San Martin, having landed with his army in the Peruvian coast in September 1820, preparing the campaign for independence the viceroyalty of Peru.
The first campaign took place in 1820 in the independence of Guayaquil. The independent government of Guayaquil formed an army of local men, perhaps 1,800 soldiers, and in November sent to the sierra region, in order to add followers to the cause of independence. After some initial successes, such as the declaration of independence of Cuenca on November 3, 1820, the separatists suffered a serious loss to the royalist army at the Battle of Huachi, near Ambato, which forced them to return to the coastal regions.
Guayaquil in February 1821 had received reinforcements, arms and provisions from Bolivar, who was then President of the Republic of Colombia, coayudado from Santafe by Vice President Francisco de Paula Santander. In May of the same year, Brigadier General Antonio Jose de Sucre, Commander in Chief of the South Division of the Colombian army and the subordinate of greater confidence of Bolivar, arrived in Guayaquil. He was to assume the leadership of the army Patriota, and start operations towards the liberation of the city of Quito and the entire territory of the Royal Audience of Quito.
The political objective of Bolivar was to incorporate all the provinces of the Real Hearing, including Guayaquil, to Colombia. Guayaquil, meanwhile, had not decided whether to join Peru or Colombia, and many of its citizens wanted to establish their own republic. The advance of Sucre through the Andes began in July 1821. As in the first season after having some initial successes, Sucre was defeated by the royal army on September 12, coincidentally in the same place where it happened the previous battle of Huachi. This second campaign ended with an armistice between the separatists and the realists the 18 November 1821.

Difference with July 4th
El Día de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos (Día de la Independencia o El Cuatro de Julio en español) es el dia de fiesta nacional Que se Celebra el 4 de julio en los Estados Unidos. Se Realizo en 1776. Este día marca la firma de la Declaración de Independencia en 1776 en la Cual El País proclamó su Separación oficial del Imperio Británico. Usualmente se celebraciones con los muchas de actividades al aire libre de Como Desfiles, Partidos de béisbol y espectáculos de fuegos artificiales. Es La Fecha tradicional de carreras automovilísticas Varias, Entre ellas las petardo 400 de la NASCAR Cup Series en Daytona, el Gran Premio de Cleveland de la serie Champ Car y el Gran Premio de Watkins Glen de la Serie IndyCar.
The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable in the history of American time. I tend to believe that will be celebrated by the descendants generations. It should be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It must be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, campaigns, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to another, from now on forever.
Coincidentally, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of the Declaration of Independence that would become President of the United States, died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Although not one of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence, but another Founding Father who became president, James Monroe, died on July 4, 1831, thus becoming the third consecutive president who died in the party. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President, was born on July 4, 1872, and, so far, it is the only US president born on Independence Day
Independence Day is a national holiday marked by patriotic displays. Similar to other summer festivals, celebrations of Independence Day often take place outdoors. Independence Day is a federal holiday, so all non-essential federal institutions (like the postal service and federal courts) are closed on that day. Many politicians use this day to appear at a public event and praise heritage, laws, history, society and the people of the nation.
In 2009, the city of New York had the most spectacular fireworks in the country, with more than 22 tons of pyrotechnics. Other main screens are in Chicago on Lake Michigan; in San Diego on Mission Bay; Charles River in Boston; St. Louis on the Mississippi River; in San Francisco on the San Francisco Bay; and the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
While the official observance always falls on July 4, levels of participation may vary by day of the week in which the number falls. If the holiday falls in the middle of the week, some fireworks and celebrations can take place during the weekend for convenience, again, which vary by region. The first week of July is typically one of the most intense periods of American trip of the year, as many people use the holidays for extended trips.
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